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Humanise Data to Unlock Workplace Wellbeing

January 30, 2024   ·  

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving work environment, the approach to employee wellbeing needs a paradigm shift.

There’s increasing awareness of the importance of integrating data analytics into wellbeing initiatives, but we need to go further still.

It’s about evolving from static data points to dynamic, human-centric insights that empower real-time support and foster a culture of proactive wellbeing.


From surveys to high-frequency data 

All too often, we limit ourselves to the belief that seeking feedback from employees must involve a survey. But let me tell you that this isn’t the case, and when it comes to wellbeing, nor should it be.

Traditional surveys, while useful, largely provide a retrospective view of employee wellbeing.

They capture a moment in time, often missing the nuances and fluidity of the human experience. More importantly, when it comes to personalised and individual perspectives of wellbeing, they’ll almost always miss the signs of people in need of help.

That’s why we advocate for a more live and human approach through high-frequency check-in data. This method allows us to capture the ebbs and flows of employee sentiment, providing a more accurate and timelier picture of their wellbeing.

It’s about seeing the unseen, catching the subtle signs of distress or disengagement before they escalate into crises.


Enable a speak-up culture 

Protecting employee dignity and ensuring psychological safety is a critical aspect of our approach. 

Technology plays a pivotal role here, ensuring individuals don’t need to compromise their privacy to seek help.

By harnessing the power of anonymous data collection and analysis, we enable employees to share their experiences without the fear of being judged or stigmatised.

It’s about creating a safe space where asking for help or offering support doesn’t equate to outing oneself.


Facilitate peer-to-peer support 

Peer support is a cornerstone of a robust wellbeing strategy.

It’s not just about implementing top-down initiatives but also about fostering a culture where employees can support each other.

By making wellbeing data and insights more accessible within an organisation, we enable meaningful interactions that respect privacy and anonymity.

This approach not only enhances individual wellbeing, but also helps to build a supportive and inclusive workplace culture.

We have witnessed how peer support can arrest declines in wellbeing and foster positive outcomes, proving its efficacy time and again.


Tailor your wellbeing initiatives 

At Harkn, we believe in personalisation.

Every individual’s journey and needs are unique, and our technology reflects this belief.

Using our algorithms, we can provide bespoke support, meeting people where they are rather than offering one-size-fits-all solutions.

This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of wellbeing interventions, but also ensures that they are relevant and impactful for everyone.


The future of workplace wellbeing 

To truly revolutionise employee wellbeing, we must shift our perspective. 

It’s not just about collecting data to understand which of our initiatives are working, as important as that may be.

It’s about using data as a tool to understand, empathise, and respond to the human elements of our workforce.

It’s about moving from a reactive to a proactive stance, where we anticipate and address issues before they become problematic.

Our own journey into this field was largely accidental; we realised we could see struggling individuals in the data we were collecting about employee experiences.

Once we knew our platform had the potential to develop an early warning system, we set out to develop the algorithms that now enable the companies we work with to issue proactive, data-driven support.

Learn how we can help your organisation improve employee wellbeing here, or book a virtual coffee with us to talk through your needs. 

WellbeingPsychological safetyEmployee voiceTrustHealthy companiesCultureInclusion

Further reading