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Using Harkn

New to Harkn? Here's your guide to the primary features

March 21, 2021   ·  

How Does It Work?

The best way to describe Harkn is through its key features and functions.  We're constantly enhancing the platform and adding to our resources, but here are the basics.

The Check-In Routine

The check-in routine is the central process around which almost everything else works. 

It’s a simple and intuitive routine where you rate how you feel (using our 0-100 rating scale) and capture a few words to describe why you've rated that way.

To rate, slide the scale to the point that best reflects your day, and click Save.


Once you've rated, you can capture a few words about why you've rated that way and share the rating and comment with your colleagues (anonymously, of course) on The Wall.

If you're not comfortable sharing your comment with your colleagues, click Private Comment to save it just for you in your Tracker.

If you're struggling with something to say, the "Prompt me!" button is there for inspiration, and if all else fails, there's always the No Comment option.

Harkn is completely anonymous and yet transparent, i.e. everyone will see what you share, but no one will know that you shared it.  It offers an excellent opportunity to learn about one another and improve how you communicate and work together. 

You can use this for many things here are 3 ways we think work pretty well 

  1. Share how you’re doing (I’m ok, not ok)
  2. Share some context (this is what’s going on for me right now) 
  3. Share some feedback (this is how I feel about this thing that has changed) 

How you use the check-in routine and your voice at work is up to you; remember to keep it constructive, kind, and respectful.

How often you use Harkn is also up to you.  Whether you check in every day or a couple of times a week, everything you share helps.

The Wall

The Wall is the place where shared comments appear for all to see. It's where you share your experiences and connect with your colleagues around theirs. It's an anonymous, safe space to share feedback, raise any issues you may be facing, and ask for help if you need it.

It’s also a running narrative of life inside your company, a source of great ideas, the place to see the issues your people experience, and the place where you’ll find out how everyone feels about the big things happening in your company or team.



As well as replying and reacting to the things your colleagues share - there is another important element of The Wall, 'Flags'. 

Flags allow you to draw attention to specific things you see on the Wall.

  1. If you're worried about a colleague based on something you read, flag it.
  2. If you see something that you think is inappropriate or offensive, flag it. 
  3. If you see something that you think is a great idea or a problem that you believe should be made a priority to solve, flag it.

You'll find the Flag icon alongside every comment on The Wall. 

Remember, Harkn is anonymous, so when you flag something you and the original poster will remain anonymous. 


From time to time you may be asked a few additional questions in the form of Pulse or Bespoke surveys.  If you’ve ever participated in workplace surveys, this part of Harkn will be pretty familiar.  The questions asked and frequency of surveys are determined by your employer, and we all know the limitations of surveys, but they’re part of Harkn to complement the check-in routine by providing additional insights into your experiences, views and opinions.

My Tracker

My Tracker is one of your personal areas in Harkn. 

It's a record of your rating history and comments (both public and private).  It’s a great tool for self-reflection and building emotional awareness and shows you how you interpret your environment.

This is also the place to come if you need to change your rating or comment on any day, and where you can control whether your comments are public or private.


It also shows your ratings relative to your personal range, which can help you to understand yourself better. 


Harkn has an inbuilt journaling tool called Reflections with eight different journaling styles to practice. It works as a 24-hour editable file - any journal you start can be edited for up to 24 hours which means you can keep updating it throughout your day. Your journal can relate to today or yesterday (and it will attach your happiness rating for that day for reference).

Journaling has been shown to improve physical and mental health and lead to increased self-esteem and creativity. By regularly recording your thoughts, you will gain insights into your behaviours and moods. Journaling is about perspective and clarity on life’s challenges.

Reflections is entirely private.  Everything you write in it is exclusively yours. 

Other important stuff...

Aside from the key features, there are a few other important things to let you know.

  1. We've tried to make Harkn as transparent as possible. Almost everything collected is made available to as many people as possible through our dashboards and reports. 
  2. Privacy and anonymity are critical. Nothing you share is ever used to identify you.
  3. You're in control.  Visit your profile to make changes to the frequency and type of notifications you receive, download your data, or make changes to your profile data.

Follow us on social channels to keep up to date with updates, changes and insights about using Harkn, and if you have any questions or need any help at all, get in touch with us: 

David Bellamy
David Bellamy

Founder and CEO, Connect with David on LinkedIn

Healthy companiesCulturePositivityWellbeing

Further reading