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Söderberg & Partners Adopt Harkn

January 30, 2024   ·  

Nordic-based wealth management firm Söderberg & Partners have strengthened their forward-thinking reputation by adopting a revolutionary new employee voice platform – Harkn.

The platform’s offering is a break away from traditional employee communication programmes, which often revolve around periodic surveys.

Instead, Harkn’s unique employee voice capabilities – which champion anonymity and transparency – will support Söderberg’s efforts in cultivating a psychologically safe and inclusive workplace.

The platform’s data-driven and proactive approach delivers unparalleled speed of insight, enabling leadership to hear more of what matters directly from their people.

Söderberg & Partners are renowned for innovation and challenging the status quo, with this latest move reinforcing that image.

The firm will begin with a pilot in Sweden, before rolling the technology out across the rest of their workforce.

Regarding Harkn, Soderberg’s HR Chef Jenny Persson said:

“We are looking forward to engaging with live insights and monitoring the effect of our decisions and initiatives on satisfaction levels. Harkn will help us to offer timely support to individuals who are struggling with wellbeing and find it hard to speak up.”

Harkn CEO & Founder David Bellamy said: 

“Given our proven record within the Financial Services and Wealth Management industries, this is a particularly exciting new relationship for us. Söderberg & Partners is a growing and progressive organisation that reflects many of our own values, but it’s also a valuable opportunity to learn how our approach can benefit a predominantly Swedish team.”

Lydia Blundell
Lydia Blundell

Brand & Content Manager , Connect with Lydia on LinkedIn

Employee engagementHealthy companiesCase StudyEmployee voice

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