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Embed wellbeing in workplace culture


Embed wellbeing in workplace culture

The modern workplace is becoming ever more fast-paced and complex.  

With this rapid evolution comes unique challenges, and our new environment demands a new approach to employee wellbeing.  

Making wellbeing a priority isn’t just a moral imperative but a business one, too, with recent research publishing staggering statistics on the financial cost of wellbeing.  

Harkn takes a proactive and data-driven approach to wellbeing, giving leaders real-time insights into morale in their organisation and helping them identify individuals who are showing signs of struggle. 

Case study

Harkn changed my life

Drivers of Poor Workplace Wellbeing

An industry has grown up around employee wellbeing – one that teaches us to be more resilient and cope better with stress and emotion.

And yet, according to ongoing research, the primary drivers of poor wellbeing in the workplace are the work and the working environment itself.

Work Overload & Burnout

The rapid evolution of the modern workplace means employees often grapple with project-based, deadline-driven tasks that cause relentless pressure.

The expectation of perpetual availability, especially in remote settings, further amplifies risk of burnout.

Lack of Boundaries

The boundaries between professional and personal life are becoming increasingly blurred.

Workplaces are often hyper-connected and digital in nature, which makes it very difficult to disengage from work, while constant notifications hamper rest and recovery. 

Unclear Responsibilities

When work is mostly about delivering intangibles, job roles often become nebulous.

Lack of clarity around responsibilities and priorities creates a breeding ground for stress and anxiety. 

Job Insecurity

The same innovation that drives the knowledge-based economy can also render certain skills and roles redundant overnight.

The regular restructuring that accompanies changing markets generates significant job insecurity. 

Digital Isolation

The irony of the digital economy is that many employees feel isolated in a world of virtual connections.

Without the genuine social interactions that come from a shared physical space, people often feel disconnected and lonely. 

Embed Wellbeing in Culture with Harkn

There is a clear and genuine intention to support employee wellbeing in the workplace. The abundance of new wellness initiatives and training programmes testify to this. Nonetheless, the persistence of wellbeing issues shows a disconnect between intent and outcome.

Isolating your wellbeing strategy from day-to-day life in your organisation is counterproductive; if the causes lie in the environment, then the solutions need to too. It’s time to shift to a more proactive, integrated approach.

The Daily Check-In

The Daily Check-In

Harkn’s daily check-in feature embeds emotional self-regulation into the working day. 

Employees rate how they’re feeling from 1-100 and can add a comment to explain why they feel that way. 

Not only does this routine give the individual important perspective on their own wellbeing, but their scores influence the wider Good Day Ratio.

The Good Day Ratio

The Good Day Ratio

The Good Day Ratio is a live and dynamic metric of organisational health.  

Calculated from daily check-in scores, it allows you to identify trends and patterns across your organisation, monitor reaction to workplace developments, and increases your capacity for timely action.

The Wellbeing Centre

The Wellbeing Centre

Harkn’s wellbeing algorithms scan the data from the daily check-in and comments and pick up signs of struggle in individuals. 

 The flags they raise then come to Wellbeing Centre, where professionals can track the concern and reach out if necessary. Individuals can also choose to raise their hand or flag signs of distress in their colleagues.  

Every step in this support network happens without revealing anyone's identity.  

The Wall

The Wall

The Wall bolsters employee wellbeing by providing a safe space to share your concerns and support one another. 

It’s transparent yet completely anonymous nature gives a platform to people who would otherwise be reluctant to speak up due to barriers like fear, unconscious bias, and stigmas.

Free eBook

Embedding Wellbeing in Workplace Culture

Our eBook explores the primary factors driving the decline in workplace wellbeing and the human and financial costs of this crisis.

We take you through five essential building blocks for embedding wellbeing in culture, so your organisation and its people can thrive.

Get your free copy now.


"Harkn offers an invaluable way to gauge how colleagues are feeling, and because I can see emerging well-being themes and patterns, it enables me to implement appropriate support. Psychological Safety is so important, and the anonymous nature of the Wall reinforces that we want our people to speak out."

Natalie Thompson Lead Wellbeing Manager, Schroders Personal Wealth

Further reading

Workplace Wellbeing in 2024: Key Statistics & Studies

We unpack the latest data on wellbeing at work and provide actionable tips for developing a more robust employee wellbeing approach.


Humanise Data to Unlock Employee Wellbeing

Harkn CEO & Founder, David Bellamy, makes the case for evolving from static wellbeing data points to dynamic, human-centric insights.
