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The Employee Voice Podcast

Listen Up!

The Employee Voice Podcast

Harkn is leading the age of the listening organisation, reshaping workplace culture through live and continuous employee voice. 

The Listen Up! podcast is presented by our Founder & CEO David Bellamy, with special guests who offer fresh insights into the challenges and opportunities currently shaping our workplaces. 

Watch some of the highlights below, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay in the loop with fresh thought leadership. 

Listen Up!

In Conversation with Mark Duckworth: CEO of Schroders Personal Wealth

A must-listen for anyone in a leadership or management role. Mark Duckworth has been at the helm of Schroders Personal Wealth since 2020, following success as CEO of Openwork. Mark shares inspiring insights into his career journey to date, including his time as a life coach and on the sports field, and what those experiences have taught him about successful leadership and creating thriving workplaces. SPW are one of Harkn's valued partners, and Mark and David delve into how our listening technology is giving his leadership team a clearer picture of day-to-day reality in their firm.

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Perspectives on Listening and Leadership with Dr. Richard Claydon

Dr. Richard Claydon is an accomplished organisational theorist, focused on helping leaders create the conditions for effective work. In this episode, Richard and David discuss where listening plays in business change and innovation, and the need to move on from traditional leadership doctrine to meet the needs of today's workplace.

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In Conversation with Jim Cleaver: Technology & Information Director at St. James's Place Wealth Management

We're proud to have maintained a strong partnership with St. James's Place Wealth Management for six years, and Jim Cleaver has been instrumental to that relationship. Jim shares his journey from the military to his current role as Technology & Information Director at SJP. David and Jim unravel the limitations of permission-based cultures, and the transformative power of psychological safety in unlocking creativity and collaboration. They discuss the impact Harkn has had in equipping St. James's Place with live and continuous employee insights, empowering everyone to shape workplace culture and drive business success.

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The Age of Listening with Howard Krais

Howard Krais is a seasoned Internal Communications professional, with prolific in-house roles at Johnson Matthey and GSK behind him. He recently co-founded True, a consultancy firm focused on employee engagement, and co-authored the landmark book Leading the Listening Organisation. In this episode, David and Howard discuss the role of listening in business performance, the shortfalls of periodic surveys, and some of the barriers to speaking up at work.

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In Conversation with Geoff Marlow: Future-Fit Organisations

It's impossible to come away from a conversation with Geoff Marlow without feeling a little mindblown. Geoff is Executive Director at Aligned Agility and an expert on all things organisational culture. In this conversation, David and Geoff explore systems thinking, the problem with typical management consultancy approaches, and why workplace culture is about much, much more than shared values. Geoff reveals his 'magic wand' for driving positive culture change in organisations and delves into the power of sensemaking, decision-making, and action-taking at scale.

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