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Empower live employee voice.


Empower live employee voice.

No one understands life inside an organisation better than its employees.  

They're in constant contact with your customers and suppliers, and witness the breakthroughs and frustrations of the workplace first-hand. 

It makes sense, then, to start listening really listening – to these key stakeholders.

Listening organisations don't just react to feedback, they proactively seek it. Feedback mechanisms are dynamic and inclusive, fostering a culture of continuous dialogue and improvement. 

Leaders who embrace the age of listening gain the all-important competitive advantage.  

The Big Listen

The Big Listen

Our 90-day deep listening initiative is here. 

This is your chance to show your people you're listening and surface unique insights into life inside your organisation. 

What could your organisation achieve in three months if you swapped surveys for surround sound? 

The Big Listen
Case Study

Real-time employee voice in action

"Harkn lets people voice their views, comments, and opinions anonymously and to everyone. And we are actively encouraging it, because the worst thing you can do is wait to hear the feedback in an exit interview - we don't want that. We want to solve those problems up front and prevent them in future. Harkn is helping us to gain more insights, because it's very difficult when you're deeply involved in things to see some of those blind spots.

Hari Menon Vice President, Intellect Design Arena

How employee voice benefits your organisation

Better decision-making

Better decision-making

Live employee voice gives you all the insights you need at your fingertips. No need to wait for survey results or feedback from department heads – start making faster, better-informed decisions right away.

Live sensemaking

Live sensemaking

Unlocking employee voice benefits everyone, not just leadership. Live and continuous dialogue helps people to make sense of complex and evolving situations together, fostering shared awareness and enabling aligned action.

Improved wellbeing

Improved wellbeing

Live insights help identify signs of struggle in individuals, as well as patterns that indicate a problem is affecting your workforce more widely. Being able to share openly, safely, and in real time builds trust and connection.

Live employee voice with Harkn

Our platform bridges the gap between leaders and their people by providing always on, always live channels for communication.

By ensuring anonymity at every turn, we enable psychological safety and remove barriers like power distance and unconscious bias.

The Daily Check-In

The Daily Check-In

Harkn asks individuals how they're feeling (0-100 scale) and why they're feeling that way (freeform narrative) every day.

This gives leaders live insight into morale and motivation across their teams, while for individuals it builds emotional self-regulation into the working day. 

The Wall

The Wall

The Wall brings together voices from across your organisation, providing a safe space for employees to raise their ideas, opinions, and concerns.

This rolling dialogue is an invaluable resource for leaders looking to get a realistic picture of life in their organisation.

The Good Day Ratio

The Good Day Ratio

The Good Day Ratio reflects sentiment across your organisation in clear, numerical terms. Calculated from the daily check-in, it shows you the number of good days to bad people are having at work.

This ratio acts as a live and dynamic employee voice dashboard. 


“Discussion on the Wall is about realism – it’s acknowledged and not shied away from, and that’s helping to create a positive, inclusive culture… what Harkn is doing is giving people the opportunity to listen, and to understand that real-time employee voice is worth listening to. It says: lets understand this and the insights we get from it – the peaks and the troughs. It’s amazing.”

Natalie Thompson Lead Wellbeing Manager, Schroders Personal Wealth


Interested in how live employee voice can help your organisation thrive? Visit our blog for more insights.

How to Implement Live and Continuous Employee Listening

Your comprehensive guide to designing and implementing an employee listening strategy that drives sustainable success. Our four-part guide will answer all your questions on what a successful strategy looks like and the common mistakes to avoid.

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Is Your Employee Engagement Survey Still Serving You?

For decades, organisations have relied on the engagement survey to hear from their people. But, given that the modern workplace is unrecognisable from what it was 20 or 30 years ago, is this still the best tool in your arsenal?

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