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Empower real-time employee insights

How it works

Empower real-time employee insights

Many employee listening methods are about doing the same things, faster. Surveys have become pulse surveys, physical suggestion boxes have become digital inboxes, and formal company town halls have given way to Q&As with the CEO. 

But the modern workplace demands a new approach, so Harkn has ripped up the rulebook when it comes to engagement and wellbeing at work.

We've redefined 'real-time' as live and continuous, put open and honest dialogue at the heart of workplace culture, and harnessed data-driven insights to empower proactive wellbeing support. 

The future lies in continuous listening; will your business be ahead of the curve, or behind the times? 

Support your people to thrive
How Harkn works

Support your people to thrive

Harkn’s real-time insights into employee motivation and morale give leadership unique insight into reality inside their firm.

In today’s dynamic and ever-changing work environment, this live pulse on engagement and wellbeing creates agile and resilient workforces.  

Leverage high-frequency feedback
How Harkn works

Leverage high-frequency feedback

Our platform’s high-frequency, anonymous feedback helps organisations navigate change more effectively.

Ongoing insights from every corner of your workplace give you a clearer view of how changes are impacting your people, while proactive wellbeing monitoring empowers timely intervention.  

Guarantee psychological safety
How it works

Guarantee psychological safety

At the core of our approach is a non-negotiable commitment to anonymity.

Our platform provides a safe space for every employee, fostering honest feedback and constructive open dialogue.

This removes the barriers that prevent people from raising important information at work and empowers leadership to hear more of what matters.  


"Harkn allows the leadership team and myself to hear, in real-time, how our staff are feeling alongside the specific factors driving this. This cultural barometer is essential for all businesses where the people define the business success."

Mark Duckworth CEO, Schroders Personal Wealth

How it works

How our employee listening tools drive business success

Our platform's comprehensive suite of employee listening and wellbeing support tools, acting as your compass for navigating organisational life. Here's how we do it.

Continuous listening

  • Our straightforward, user-friendly check-in process encourages employees to rate their day and describe how they're feeling. 

  • This feedback is collected continuously, giving leadership a real-time view of perspectives and experiences. 

Real-time data collection

  • The Good Day Ratio (GDR) measures the balance of good versus bad days experienced by your people, giving you a live measure of organisational health.

  • GDR and other metrics identify trends in employee sentiment and morale, empowering better-informed decisions.  

Anonymous feedback

  • All feedback on Harkn is shared anonymously, encouraging open and honest insights without fear of consequences. 

  • Anonymity is essential for cultivating trust and inclusion, driving innovation, and enabling early intervention in possible crises. 

Fully interactive

  • The Wall: A safe space where anonymous dialogue thrives, fostering collaboration and connection at scale. 

  • Team Rooms: Focused discussion areas where teams can delve deeper into specific issues, enabling problem-solving and idea-sharing. 

  • The Wellbeing Centre: Our comprehensive case management system is powered by anonymised data, empowering proactive intervention in employee wellbeing cases. 

Leadership support

  • Leaders gain access to live employee data and insights, allowing them to respond promptly to shifting sentiment and morale. 

  • Continuous feedback loops enable leadership to address any concerns, recognise successes, and lead a positive workplace culture. 

Further reading

Want to learn more about how employee listening with Harkn can transform your workplace? Take a look at these articles from our blog.
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See Harkn in action

"I never knew anything like this existed," is how people often react when they first see Harkn for themselves. If you want to explore our technology in more detail, why not book a live platform demo?