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Live employee listening for enterprises

Why Harkn?

Live employee listening for enterprises

Harkn is leading the age of the listening organisation, giving leaders live insights into day-to-day life at every level of their business. 

Too many organisations are struggling against low engagement, misalignment, and growing cases of burnout and mental health issues. 

Harkn analyses the all-important human element in your company and translates its findings into actionable insights for improved wellbeing and performance. 



Harkn's approach is data-driven, revolving around the Good Day Ratio (GDR).

This makes employee sentiment a trackable metric, so you can evaluate – in real time – how your organisational health is evolving.

GDR is a valuable measure for any company, but it's a critical one in large and complex environments. 



By championing inclusion and anonymity, Harkn fosters a culture of wellbeing and psychological safety. 

This creates the right conditions for better engagement and productivity at work, while our collective sensemaking tools inspire innovation and agility. 



Our algorithms identify signs of distress in individuals long before they would otherwise be detected, facilitating early intervention.

This gives HR and Wellbeing professionals the tools they need to address the employee wellbeing crisis plaguing so many workplaces today. 

Which listening tool is right for your organisation?

Which listening tool is right for your organisation?

Traditional tools like engagement surveys have long proven ineffectual in isolation. 

Surveys can help you benchmark top-level trends and patterns over time, but they can't pick out the one voice in 1,000 that needs help right now, nor promote shared understanding and alignment in times of complexity or uncertainty. 

It's time to embrace live and continuous employee voice to start hearing more of what matters from your people. 

Want to know how we compare to other listening tools out there? 

The Harkn difference
Decoding Culture & Wellbeing

Lessons From a Decade of Employee Listening

This talk on the role of employee listening in workplace culture and wellbeing was given by Harkn CEO & Founder, David Bellamy, at The Workplace Inspirathon - a 24-hour event hosted by Inspiring Workplaces.

Top 25 Work Tech Vendor for 2023
Inspiring Workplaces

Top 25 Work Tech Vendor for 2023

For the second year running, we're proud to be recognised as one of the Top 25 Work Tech Vendors in the world by Inspiring Workplaces.

These awards celebrate the organisations that have excelled in delivering outstanding products that support organisations and their people through the new world of work.