The Big Listen is here >

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Hear more of what matters

The age of the listening organisation is here. Unlock live employee voice to create a more agile, resilient, and inclusive workplace.

How Harkn's live insights support leadership and employees.

"Harkn allows the leadership team and myself to hear, in real-time, how our staff are feeling alongside the specific factors driving this. This cultural barometer is essential for all businesses where the people define the business success."

Mark Duckworth CEO, Schroders Personal Wealth

"I've learned that the more senior I became, the harder it was to get unfiltered feedback from the team. Harkn takes my leadership team and me directly to the front line of our business, allowing us to hear first-hand how our people are, in terms of morale and wellbeing."

Ian MacKenzie Chief Operations & Technology Officer, St. James's Place Wealth Management plc

The Big Listen
Get ready for

The Big Listen

Our 90-day deep listening initiative is here. 

This is your chance to show your people you're listening and surface unique insights into life inside your organisation. 

Interested in swapping surveys for surround sound for three months? 

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Informed, data-driven leadership

Recruit & retain the best

Recruit & retain the best

Don’t wait for an exit interview or engagement survey to hear feedback. Understand exactly how your people are feeling as they’re feeling it, so you can take timely action.

Drive better performance

Drive better performance

Many obstacles can hamper productivity, but we often don’t hear about them in time. Maximise the full potential of your workforce with rapid insights from the frontline.

Improve collective wellbeing

Improve collective wellbeing

Transition to a proactive approach to wellbeing. The Good Day Ratio gives you a live metric of organisational health, while wellbeing algorithms identify struggling individuals.

How it works

Empowering real-time employee insights

Our high-frequency feedback empowers organisations to navigate change and drive business success.

Ongoing insights give you a clearer picture of how business developments are impacting your people, while proactive wellbeing monitoring empowers timely intervention.
Central to our approach is an unwavering commitment to anonymity, so you can champion employee voice and gather high-quality feedback.

Daily employee insights

Daily employee insights

  • Our straightforward, user-friendly check-in process encourages employees to rate their day and describe how they're feeling. 
  • This feedback is collected continuously, giving leadership a real-time view of perspectives and experiences. 
How it works
Real-time data collection

Real-time data collection

  • The Good Day Ratio (GDR) measures the balance of good versus bad days experienced by your people, giving you a live and dynamic measure of organisational health. 
  • GDR and other metrics identify trends in employee sentiment and morale, empowering better-informed decisions.
How it works
Anonymous feedback

Anonymous feedback

  • All feedback on Harkn is shared anonymously, encouraging open and honest insights without fear of consequences. 
  • Anonymity is essential for cultivating trust and inclusion, driving innovation, and enabling early intervention in possible crises. 
How it works
Fully interactive

Fully interactive

  • The Wall: A safe space where anonymous dialogue thrives, fostering collaboration and connection at scale. 
  • Team Rooms: Focused discussion areas where teams can delve deeper into specific issues and engage in problem-solving and idea-sharing. 
  • The Wellbeing Centre: Our comprehensive case management system is powered by anonymised data, enabling proactive intervention in employee wellbeing cases. 
How it works
Leadership support

Leadership support

  • Leaders gain access to live employee data and insights, so they can respond promptly to shifting sentiment and morale. 
  • Continuous feedback loops enable leadership to address any concerns, recognise successes, and drive a positive workplace culture. 
How it works

Harkn transforms organisational culture by

Empowering voices

Empowering voices

Listening organisations actively nurture an environment where every voice is heard, understood, and valued. By empowering all voices in your workforce, we help leaders hear more of what matters from their people.

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Ensuring safety

Ensuring safety

Employee voice is stifled without psychological safety. Only when you provide safe, completely anonymous avenues for feedback will you get an honest picture of reality.

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Fostering inclusion

Fostering inclusion

Deeply embedded barriers like fear and unconscious bias keep many on the sidelines of your organisation. Harkn’s completely anonymous, yet transparent approach gives everyone the opportunity to contribute.

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Building relationships

Building relationships

We’re asking more and more of people at work, but rising disengagement levels are causing reluctance and resistance. True engagement comes from strengthening your relationships with your employees.

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Encouraging sensemaking

Encouraging sensemaking

Live, anonymous conversation tools encourage continuous sensemaking amongst your workforce. This builds resilience during periods of significant change, fosters shared understanding, and boosts innovation.

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Improving wellbeing

Improving wellbeing

Embed wellbeing in culture to keep your people healthy and productive. Our data-driven approach flags potential issues before they escalate, providing individuals with anonymous avenues for support.

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Who is Harkn for?

Harkn's live listening channels make work better for everyone, from the executive team to frontline employees.



Empowering executives to make faster, better-informed decisions by leveraging employee insights. 

Human Resources

Human Resources

Guiding HR strategy and shaping workplace culture with continuous employee insights. 

Team Managers

Team Managers

Harness live employee listening to lead with clarity and confidence. 



Have your say and help shape your organisation's future. 

The Harkn difference
Not all listening tools are created equal

The Harkn difference

Looking for more effective ways to hear from your people? 

Find out how Harkn adds unique depth and nuance to your employee listening strategy. 

Find out more


Regular insights into all things employee listening, wellbeing and workplace culture.

Psychological Safety at Work: Fact vs Fiction

Psychological safety is the fundamental foundation of thriving workplaces, empowering inclusion, collaboration, and innovation. But misconceptions about psychological safety at work are diluting the true meaning of the term and diminishing its impact. Join us as we debunk common myths about psychological safety at work and reaffirm its true meaning.

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Why Your Employee Suggestion Box Isn't Getting Results

Many businesses use suggestion boxes to seek innovation and ideas from their people; after all, your employees are in the best position to identify areas for improvement. But they often don't deliver the desired results. We explore why that is and what to try instead to capture and utilise employee insights.

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